Friday, August 31, 2012


 (Matthew 28:19) I've been called to go to Costa Rica!

    Over the summer, God planted a vision in my heart to be open to the idea of moving to wherever God encouraged my brother, Eddie Berrios and his family to go.    Little did I know, my brother, sister-in-law, Deanna, and their one year old son, Jaden, had already made a decision to move to Costa Rica this fall.  I had no idea this was in their plan for any time soon, I just felt the call to be obedient, and GO.
    So here I am now, I have fully committed to making this move to attend  the "Christian Immersion Spanish Academy" (Or CISA) for a total of six months.  I will be living with a local Spanish-speaking Christian host family in the town of Tuis de Turrialba, Costa Rica, for about three months.  I will then be traveling back to the United States for Christmas and returning to Turrialba for the remaining three months of schooling. My classes will be for 4 hours a day, Monday through Thursday, for a total of 24 weeks.  I will not only be given the opportunity to use my learned language skills within a school and social setting, but also in a spiritual setting as well.  I will be connected with the local church called "Voz Que Clama Mission" which will provide me with opportunities to serve the Costa Rican community and grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ.      

    My ultimate goal is to grow deeper in my relationship and knowledge of Christ and God's word, and to become fluent in the Spanish language so that I will be more effective in serving wherever God calls me.  I plan to move back down to South Florida after finishing the program and I am praying and trusting in God for His next step for me.  Please be praying for me as I pursue God's calling in my life and if you are interested in partnering with me feel free to contact me at  <3 Thank you!